1. How To Play Alicia The Horse Game
  2. How To Play The Wooden Horse Game
  3. How To Play Horse Collar Card Game
  4. How To Play Horse Race Game
  5. How To Play Basketball Horse Game

Using a regular deck of cards, remove all aces and kings leaving 44 cards (two through queen). Set up horses in numerical order. Dealer deals all cards to the players until all 44 cards are dealt. Some people may end up with more cards than others.

How To Play Alicia The Horse Game

How to play horse games

How To Play The Wooden Horse Game

First person to the left of dealer rolls both dice. The total number is the first “money” horse. Move this horse back one space BEHIND the line. Anyone holding this number in their hand discards that card and pays the pot. Example: A 2 & 5 are rolled. The 7 horse is moved back one space. Anyone with a 7 in their hand throws it in the discard pile and puts 25 cents in the pot. If someone has two 7’s, they will throw 50 cents in the pot and discard both 7’s, three 7’s is 75 cents, and four 7’s is $1.00. Now anytime a 7 is rolled, the person rolling the dice will add 25 cents to the pot.

Then next person to the left rolls both dice. The total number is the second “money” horse. Move this horse back two spaces BEHIND the line. Anyone holding this number in their hand discards that card and pays the pot (50 cents) for each card. If the person happens to roll the previous number (say the 7 from the example) they will pay the 25 cents and roll again.

Horse Race Game To play, you need a pair of dice, a deck of cards, and the Horse Race game board! From the deck of cards, discard the aces, kings, and jokers, leaving you with 44 cards. Shuffle and deal these cards. Each player will not necessarily receive the same amount of cards. Place the horses. How to play our Horserace game by Across The Board Games. Across the Board is a St. Louis family owned and operated workshop specializing in high quality, ha.

To set up the game, you start by placing all the horses along the starting line and dividing up the play money among all players. You should assign one player the role of dealer for each race. It is the dealer's responsibility to collect and pay out bets, as well as deal out the game cards to players. Horse Games Always wanted to own a nice horse? In this online horse games can you take care of these noble animals, ride them or dress them up nicely. There are so many different games that you can pick a different horse every day. Do you also like fairy tales and mythology, then you will also love unicorns.

How To Play Horse Collar Card Game

The next person to the left rolls both dice. The total number is the third “money” horse. Move this horse back three spaces BEHIND the line. Anyone holding this number in their hand discards that card and pays the pot (75 cents) for each card. If the person happens to roll either of the previous numbers (say the 7 from the example) they will pay the amount for the number and roll again.

The next person to the left rolls both dice. The total number is the fourth and last “money” horse. Move this horse back four spaces BEHIND the line. Anyone holding this number in their hand discards that card and pays the pot ($1.00) for each card. If the person happens to roll either of the previous numbers (say the 7 from the example) they will pay the amount for the number and roll again. These four horse will not move again during this game.

Now the game can begin! The next person rolls the dice. The total of the dice indicates the number horse to move one space FORWARD. If a “money” horse number is rolled, the person who rolled it pays the pot the required amount and the dice are passed to the next player. Continue rolling the dice, moving horses forward or paying the pot until one horse reaches the end. The first horse to reach the finish line (last space) is the winner. All players holding that number card wins a fourth of the pot. If a player is holding two winning cards they receive half the pot, three winning cards will receive three quarters of the pot, and four winning cards will receive all of the pot. If there is any extra money that can not be split equally will stay in the pot for the next game.

How To Play Horse Race Game

Continue the next game the same way with the person to the left of the previous deal now the new dealer.

How To Play Basketball Horse Game